Pushbullet Pro v17.5.10 APK -


Pushbullet Pro v17.5.10 for.

Pushbullet is "we did not know you needed," according to CNET. Here's why:

• Pushbullet allows you to push files and links between your devices with as little as two clicks
• We are well integrated in more than half dozen platforms, which makes easy sharing regardless of the device you use
• If you receive fast Pushbullet notifications on your computer before your phone rings even

Stay connected
• Push is not just for your devices, you can also easily send links and files to your friends
• Conveniently send and receive SMS messages from your computer
• Answer many messages popular apps, including WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger

keep you
• Pushbullet mirrors notifications from your phone to your computer, so you never miss an important call or notification again
• Interact with your notifications, whether to take action or to reject
• Use channels to subscribe to notifications in a timely manner about things you care about

"Pushbullet is a Each phone should have fantastic "- Gizmodo

" TNW Apps of the year: PushBullet for "- TNW

★ Lightning fast connection and file sharing
★ Secure: Protect notifications and SMS with encryption end to end
★ Wherever you are
★ Used by millions of people and counting
★ Translated into over a dozen languages ​​by an impressive group of our own users

works with all popular SMS applications including Textra, QKSMS, Hangouts, Messenger, and more!

What's New
- Added an option to control the timing of image messages when on / off WiFi
- Bugfixes
- SMS notifications are now synchronized with tablets and other Android devices
v17.5.2 - Reply to text message group from your computer or tablet
- Since text answers of the group are new, they start to count in your free message limit until January 1 🙂
- text messages Sending group requires Lollipop + phone
- Remote Files now supports load changing players

Pushbullet pro apk Pushbullet android apk

(ROOT + lucky Patcher)
1. Install Lucky Patcher
2. Download and extract file Pushbullet_17.5.10.zip
3. Copy .txt file:
* / storage / sdcard0 / LuckyPatcher / Pushbullet-com.pushbullet.android.txt <<<< (if ROM is older than JellyBean)
* /storage/sdcard0/Android//com.android.vending.billing.InAppBillingService.LUCK/files/LuckyPatcher/Pushbullet-com.pushbullet.android.txt <<<< (if your ROM exceeds JellyBean)
4. Install Pushbullet
5. Open lucky Patcher and hold on Pushbullet app ... do not start again!
6. Select Open the Patch menu
7. select custom patch
8. Now, select the Apply button.
Wait a moment and you'll get a GREEN successful post !!
Now, launch the application and check the features PRO

Advantages of the alternative method.!
SignIn more with Google or Facebook
Updates Future. without losing the characteristics PRO

Downloads [ Google Play ]

Pushbullet Pro v17.5.10 APK | Mirror 1 | Mirror 2

Windows Pushbullet Pro V388 (mistzelda credits)

Pushbullet V388 Pro for Windows | Mirror 1 | Mirror 2

>> c: Users ~ YourPCName ~ AppData Local Pushbullet bin ~ file copy here ~