Dungeon Legends v1.76 Mega Mod APK -

Dungeon Legends
Dungeon Legends

Dungeon Legends v1.76 for Mega.

Enjoy the action RPG experience with true Dungeon Legends.

challenge other players in real time, in the arena and become a legend dungeons. Go through the levels in search of incredible TREASURE or to help overcome challenges in COOPERATIVE MODE. Join a clan and fight for control of the dungeons.

Build your skills and adapt your character to your play style. Choose your skills and become a WARRIOR, HEALER or DEFENDER before starting.

As a dwarf, there comes a time when you have to leave your city in search of gold and glory. Take on the challenges of dungeons to gain experience and earn the respect of your people.

Enter the dungeons and participate in weekly events. In every single trip you will get new awards that will help improve our skills.

Fight against other players in real time batt

What's new in Dungeon Legends v1.76

Experience the new interface more user-friendly, and 100% more funny
the treasure hunter is now getting better quality objects in his quest
Bug fixes and optimizations .. system

Dungeon Legends mod apk

Dungeon Legends v1.63 information Mega Mod:

1. Unlimited life.
2. unlimited gems.
3. Unlimited Coins.
4. corners drop rate increased to 100%.
5. unlimited mana.
6. Mana rates fall increased to 100%.
7. fast level up.
8. Exp increased dropout rates.
9. Heal dropout / life increased 100%.
10. No cooldown skill.
11 .... Mob low HP
12. 1 Hit Kill
13. Amount hidden Checker bypassed

Clean Apk A -. Bypass function in it

v1. 76 mod Info:

1. gain Exp multiplied
2. Blacksmith upgrade time and costs 0
3. Hunter length of time 0
4. you get a mystical object each time you use hunter
5. blacksmith can improve mystical objects
6. Article last lvl level adjusted to 99, most acquired skills adjusted to 28, so you get stronger than anyone elements
7. not dmg traps

Downloads: Google Play ]

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